TELE besturingstechniek HengeloPaneelbouw - TELE besturingstechniek

Series construction

What makes TELE besturingstechniek special? That we are passionate about working on customized solutions, but that we also have a special team that loves nothing more than serial productions. After all, not all controls are unique. A uniform application of control units is sufficient for many solutions. Even then TELE controlstechniek will gladly think along with you to find the most efficient and (cost-) interesting solution.

Series construction - the approach

In serial construction, proper preparation is very important. Ultimately, there must be a multitude of the same control cabinets and this offers economies of scale if the preliminary work is done perfectly. Our team is prepared for this and already maps out the benefits to be gained in the quotation process. The production process is highly efficient and is facilitated by the use of special wire processing tools.

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Training and development

In addition to years of experience in putting down serial productions, the time we put into training and developing our team also provides benefits. The market in which we operate is fast-paced, the technical developments are almost impossible to keep up with. Nevertheless, we at TELE always ensure that the team is fully up-to-date. Only then can we optimize the production process as efficiently as possible. And that's great for both ourselves and our customer!


Even for serial development of control cabinets, no cabinet goes out the door before it has been thoroughly tested in our specially equipped test room. Our test engineer tests all facets of the cabinet according to a predetermined FAT document, which allows us to proudly say that the error rate can be called zero.

At TELE we combine our Twente down-to-earthness and hands-on mentality with training and development, resulting in economies of scale and quality for our customers. Wondering what cost and time savings we can realize for you? Then contact us without obligation.

This is TELE besturingstechniek


© TELE besturingstechniek B.V.  -  2025
