TELE besturingstechniek and Bright Renewables: conquering the U.S. market together

TELE besturingstechniek & Bright Renewables

Sometimes you have those clients, parties that you actually see more as collaborative partners, with whom you work towards a higher level every time and from whom you really get positive energy. Bright Renewables is one of those clients. And because we wanted to shed some light on this partnership, we spoke with Bert Schuite - Team Manager Automation at Bright.

Bright Renewables


Bright Renewables offers systems for reprocessing biogas into green gas, a methane-rich renewable gas (also known as biomethane). Bright has its headquarters in the Netherlands and also has offices and sales partners in America, Canada, England, France, Italy, Spain, Latvia and Poland. From these locations Bright supplies its installations worldwide. Clients are very diverse; from water boards to farmers. In fact, they always see opportunities to generate gas from raw materials that are already available to the client and to supply it back to the gas network.


The market - isn't gas going out of business?


And then, of course, the question of whether there is any future in this product immediately comes up. After all, new construction houses should already be “off gas.” However, this “problem” turns out to be much smaller than thought. In fact, the market for gas reprocessing is exploding (abroad, but also still in the Netherlands)! The Dutch government stimulates gas reprocessing through the SDE+ subsidy. Moreover, making existing buildings more sustainable turns out to be most cost-effective by applying green gas.


The United States and Canada


People in the US and Canada are also finding their way to Bright Renewables. A product basically supplied from the Netherlands is doing very well thousands of miles away. Why is that? “In the technical field, America is quite a bit behind. They are not nearly as advanced as we are. Our systems are of better quality and much more efficient. And because we work with a partner who assembles the mechanical construction locally, the distance does not present any disadvantages for customers.”




Exporting the biogas systems to the U.S. and Canada does involve a lot. This is because the guidelines regarding machinery there are completely different than in Europe. And not only the guidelines, but also the safety requirements and the sizes with which to work are completely different, which means that the entire engineering is different. “And this is where TELE's most important added value immediately comes into play. Because TELE is both UL and CSA certified, this market holds no secrets for them. Even at the first question we ask them, they think along with us. They often think a step further than we do, so that we can make a lot of profit in the preliminary phase. The EPLAN engineering level of the team is high. Without parties like TELE we would not be able to serve the growth market in the US, after all, the engineering of our machines according to the cULus guidelines is a requirement.”


Happy with TELE!


Naturally, we also asked Bert whether he was satisfied with the cooperation we have and what areas of improvement he sees. Although there were areas for improvement in the past, as a result of the increasingly intensive cooperation in recent years, he had nothing but praise. “The fact that you have now added on-site cabling to your services actually completes the picture. You are a dynamic organization, with short lines, with which we can switch quickly. That really suits us. Because although we now employ more than 200 people, we still like flexibility and approach. We like the communication with Tom (electrical engineering) and Henry (commercial). Even though we sometimes have impossible questions, these men really think along with us to find a solution.

We thank Bert for his honesty, openness and enthusiasm and hope to take on many more great projects together in the future. And of course we would love to share more stories about our collaborations with clients. Who may we challenge?


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